You Are Not Seeing This By Accident - God's Message For You

My child, are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed by the uncertainty of these times? You are not alone. Life can be challenging, but it's in those challenging moments that you must remember to trust in Me.

I want you to understand today that trusting in Me, means finding peace, even in the midst of chaos. Take a moment, and look at the world around you, the intricate beauty of nature is a gentle reminder that I am with you, always with you. 

Trusting in Me My child, doesn't mean you have all the answers or that everything will go your way, it means surrendering control and knowing that My divine plan is unfolding.

By trusting in Me, you can release your worries and let My powerful peace fill your heart. You can find strength beyond your limitations. So in the midst of uncertainty, surrender your fears to Me. Remember I am your refuge, anchor, and source of unwavering hope. 

Today My beloved, instead of letting stress get the best of you, consider focusing on prayer. You have got two options, you can either pray or panic. If you skip prayer, panic might take over. 

Similarly, you can choose between worrying and worshiping. If you're not worshiping, you're stuck in a cycle of worrying. Worshiping brings positivity and peace, whereas, worrying only invites negativity. When you embrace worship in your life, worrying naturally fades away. 

When you worry My beloved, you are doubting My ability to take care of you. Worrying doesn't change outcomes no matter how much you worry, it won't alter what will happen, it will only steal your joy. 

My child, in closing, remember that worry is a natural aspect of human life, but it doesn't have to dominate your existence. 

Surrender your worries to Me and I will take care of everything for you, in My perfect timing in the perfect way for you.

I love you God
