God Has This Message For You - You Will See Victory

Today, hear this message from God. Go to a quiet place and sit in His presence as He speaks to you.

My child, with this fresh new day, I want you to hear My voice speaking directly to your heart. I am here today to promise you victory over your burdens. I want you to know this My beloved child, victory is yours. The trials that you face, the sadness that threatens to tear you down, will not prevail.

Let all of your fears and anxieties fall away today, and let your heart be steadfast in faith. Even when facing life's greatest challenges, I will shower you with abundant blessings. I will lead you on your path to success. Trust in Me My child,  and find rest in My presence and promises.

My deepest desire is to encourage your heart today. I want to mend your brokenness and replace your sadness with My powerful joy. You are more precious to Me, more than you can ever know. I am faithful to your protection and your blessings because of My boundless love for you. I promise to never forsake you or leave your side, My beloved.

Today I want you to tell your soul this, I am your Creator. I understand you more intimately than anyone else could, and I love you more than anyone can.

With My mighty hand, I lift your burdens, removing every bit of lost hope, and every notion of defeat from your life. I desire to see you smile and watch you triumph. Accept My embrace, take My hand, I surround you in my protective grace. Feel My glory engulf you. Rise now, My beloved, confront your challenges, knowing that You are strong and courageous in Me.

I love you unconditionally, unsurpassed and thoroughly,  you are My child and this bond is eternal.

