Do You Need God's Blessings To Flow In Your Life?

Good morning my brothers and sisters. I want to encourage you today with word about God's floodgates opening up in your life.

This weekend I was finishing up Leviticus. In chapter 26 God basically says, I know that I have laid down a lot of rules, but, if you follow them I will be with you and walk among you, life will be good. But, on the flip side of that, if you choose not to follow my rules, life is going to be tough. Not only will you have "Life" to deal with, you will have my anger also. 

Not a good place to be. But, because God is of love and mercy, if you do mess up, just confess to Him and He will remember His promises that He made with our fore fathers.

In this day and age, idols are everywhere, anything that you put before God is a modern day idol. Your car, home, money, hobbies, relationships, cell phones, computers...... the list could go on and on! How about keeping a day for God, or are you running around 24/7 no rest, no time for God? 

We are told in chapter 26, if the Israelites followed these rules, God would provide for them, the floodgates of heaven would open up. Have your floodgates been flooding or trickling?

The floodgates will open, your inner soul will be at peace, you will feel the presence of God and He will bless you in your relationships, family, work, life...... those are the true floodgates opening up.

Let's pray together and ask God for our floodgates to be opened wide.

Heavenly Father, It is so hard Father to not be of the world nowadays. Please help us to focus on just You Father, please help us to not surrender to the enemy's doubts and tugs on our hearts that makes us lose faith and trust in You. Help us not to be led into the world of sin and failure but to be above it in love and forgiveness.

Father, You are so loving, giving and kind, how can we deserve your goodness and favor? But we thank You for always being there for us, and never leaving us.
I pray God, that You will help everyone reading this now, stay focused on You, give Glory to You and find that the floodgates from Your love are flooding into their lives.
We love You Father,

In Your Name We pray,

Have a beautiful, blessed day in Him.
Kim <><

