An Important Message From God - I Will Bless You

Good morning to my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bring you to a place of joy and peace today with this message from Him. As your long awaited prayers are answered. God is good!

My dear child, I know your heart. I know even the deepest, darkest corners, where nothing is hidden from Me. This should not scare you, but give you a sense of comfort and peace. 

I hear your thoughts as you wonder, "why?"

Because when you have those times in prayer My child when you do not know how to explain what you are feeling, I want you to remind yourself of this...

When you can't describe it, I still feel it. When you cannot say it, I still hear it. When you cannot express your heart's emotions, I still see them. I know when you are sad, alone, happy or lost. I feel all of your anxieties and fears. I feel your heartache and pain, even when you sit in silence.

You do not need to say a word, I know what your heart is feeling. I know what your soul is weary from, and I am here to comfort you, give you hope, and carry your burdens.

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My beloved, I know you are tired and frustrated sometimes. I see you when you want to give up and stop trying…

But let Me light up the dark corners of your heart, let Me help you start again and find your place of strength and courage in Me. Hold onto My promises as you come into My presence. I am here to show you the way, and lead you safely down My perfectly planned path. Never doubt yourself and your weaknesses, I know all of them and I will provide for you what you need to overcome them.

Simply surrender to Me today and see the abundant blessings I have for you. Come to Me today My beloved, let Me help you to open up, let My Spirit guide you. I will give you a heart that is changed, renewed, and refreshed. I will give you a brand-new perspective on your prayer life, I will heal your soul and re-energize your life.

And in turn deepen your relationship with Me. Your faith will be stronger and deeper in your heart, giving you strength and courage to be free from those dark corners and blessed with My favor and goodness.

I love you, 


Have a beautiful, blessed day in Him.

Kim <>< ❤️
