God Will Never Leave You

God Will Never Leave You

My beloved child I am your loving father and I am willing to restore, heal, and bless you abundantly. Never forget my beloved that in Me you will find guidance, wisdom, and comfort in the midst of any difficulty. 

I will never leave you for even a moment. Always remember that I am with you no matter how long it take, no matter how dark the path may seem, trust that everything you do with integrity and wisdom will prosper. 

I am by your side upholding you and giving you strength. You are not alone in this journey, just have faith and trust in my promises without doubt. Do not be discouraged if you do not see immediate results, in the least expected moment, in the perfect time, your miracle will manifest. Until then walk in obedience and communion with Me, knowing that My love and Grace are with you until the end.

Take a moment and connect with God. What Do you love about your God the most?

Come to Me and let me carry your burdens and worries. I see that you've been carrying a heavy load on your shoulders and it's been affecting your life and well being. You don't have to carry it alone anymore, I'm here waiting for you to come to Me and give me all that troubles you.

I am with you always, ready to assist you in whatever you need, no matter how big your problems may seem or how difficult the situation appears. I can provide a solution and lighten your load. You don't have to worry about the future or things that are beyond your control. 

Trust in me and let me take control of your life. Let Me take the reins of your affairs because I've seen your struggles and concerns. I've seen how everything is overwhelming and draining you, that's why I want you to know that you are not alone. I am here with you and nothing can separate you from My love and protection, no matter how insurmountable your challenges may seem, remember that nothing is impossible for me. 

Do not give up on your dreams and goals because of the problems that weigh on. You don't have to worry about anything because I am with you, I will help you, I promise I won't leave you alone on this journey.

I'll be by your side whenever you need me. I'll help you overcome any obstacle, you can count on My love and mercy at all times. Remember that you are My child and you are precious to Me. Please do not be ashamed or afraid to come to Me, confide in Me your problems, I'm here to listen and assist you no matter how small or big the problem is.

I assure you I will help you with everything, don't forget that I am your strength and your rock. You can trust Me at all times and I will always guide you in the right path and give you the strength you need to overcome any obstacle. 

My beloved child, please do not give up trust in Me and in My love for you. I assure you that if you do you will find rest, joy, peace, and tranquility. I will be with you holding all your burdens and easing your concerns. I will never leave you alone, I will lift you up every time you fall because I love you with an unconditional and eternal love.

In closing my child, I promise I will never leave you alone and I will always be here for you. I will hold all your burdens and ease your concerns. I will never let you down for I am your God and your Father and I will always be with you until the end of times.

Love God
