Encouragement For Losing A Loved One


Good morning our family in Christ. This is Kim and I am so happy to spend this time with you today.

I spent the past few days with my dad, who is dying. He has a disease that is basically shutting his lungs down. He is on oxygen 24/7 and can not do much. Unfortunately his time is very limited.

Not a great way to start an encouraging message, is it? 

If you have been in my shoes with someone very close to you that is dying, you know where I am coming from. While you are trying to process the struggle and pain of your loved one, you begin to really look at the life they had and how much they mean to you. You may find yourself reminiscing, processing and mourning already the distant past. I have found myself making sure I have said the things I want to say or have asked the things I want to ask. Especially being that it is my dad.

I find that I reminisce my past great times with him. My brain goes into overdrive replaying the top greatest times of my childhood.

I think about how great this man is and how much of a great father, friend, uncle, son, brother and husband he is. And I ask myself, did I let him know that? Did I tell him enough of how much I admire and respect him? Did I thank him enough for being an amazing father?

This man, I call daddy, will be greatly missed. 

So in processing all of my thoughts and heartache, I realize how important it is to say what I want to say TODAY. Why do we wait for tomorrow or until our loved one is dying before we make each moment with them count?

I am thankful that God has given me this time to work through my thoughts, share special last moments with my daddy, but some of you I know have not been this blessed. I know that loss does happen in a split second, that is for another story, and you do not get the chance to spend a special moment, say that last "I love you", "thank you" or thoughtful sentiment on how special they are to you. And there is some heartache and regret there.

Which is why it is so important to seize the moment.

My dear friends, take a moment and ask God to help you. Ask Him to help you with the words you have longed to say or the forgiveness you have longed to give or receive. Never pass up the urge you feel in your heart to say or do something, because that is usually the Holy Spirit guiding you.

You will never get this moment, right now, back, ever, so take the time to make that phone call, text, send a card or give a hug, because you never know if it will be the last words they will hear, the last time you will see them or the last time you will have to share Jesus.

And in the end, as my daddy always taught me, you will never regret doing the right thing, because tomorrow is never promised.

Have a beautiful day in Him.🙏

With love.

