A Prayer For Your Grandchildren To Be Blessed

Heavenly Father, I ask for a special gift for my grandchildren today, I ask that they receive your blessing and have all that they need today and every day, to live a life fulfilled.

I am so grateful Father for my precious grandchildren.  What a privilege it is to watch them grow, to witness these precious creations You have designed. Thank You, God, for each one, I lift them up to You today, for they are Yours. By Your grace and love, I ask that You would surround them with Your golden wings, all of the days of their lives, protecting them always from evil and harm.

You are the almighty God, You are in control of every aspect of their lives, I pray you guard and guide them, sustain and protect them. Touch their hearts and minds so they are always open to Your word, open to learning and growing in You, open to a deep walk in faith with You. May  their lives be filled with the confidence and joy that they need to face life's challenges, knowing that they are never alone, they have a Savior that will always walk along side of them.

I pray each one learns to love Your Word, seeking Your knowledge, seeking Your instructions and to realize how valuable prayer is in being in communication with their God. I pray they are obedient in talking and spending time with their heavenly Father every day of their lives. Give them the strength to know that even if they pray, and they feel nothing is happening, that You love them unconditionally, no matter what. No matter what, You never leave them. 

I pray God that through their journey in life, their faith grows immensely, strong and unbreakable. I ask that they learn with each trial in life to trust in You more and not the world. For in You they will find the perfect path, an overwhelming joy and an unsurpassed love that no one in this world can even come close to offering them.

If they fall into questioning their faith, questioning you, or fall into the traps of satan, I ask that Your Spirit instill in them that their salvation is real and that they will not lose it as long as they have You. Instill in them that life with You for eternity is all that really matters in the world.

Protect them from the traps of satan and his demons. Help them when they feel tempted, to always seek Your provided way out, into a godly life. Surround them, engulf them, with Your holy angels, every step they take. 

I pray Father that they are kind, loving and compassionate in a world that seems to have a lot of negativity. May they not loose their sight of You and conform to the world. Give them strength to fight and win, keeping their integrity as a Christian. Help them to use the gifts of the Spirit that You so graciously give, and bring glory to You.

Father,  as they grow, and develop into amazing human beings, made in Your image, I pray You will give them healthy bodies. I pray that all cells in their bodies are strong and able to fight any disease or illness. I pray You will cover them, inside and out, with a protective layer that wards off any illness or ailment that may restrict them from doing what they love. And Father, I know that there will be times of sickness, I pray that these illnesses are short lasting, and not damaging to their well being.

God, my foremost prayer is that each one of my grandchildren would come to know You as their personal Savior. May they seek You and Your word, may their hearts be filled with Your promises and may Your lamp secure their path. I pray that they learn how great Thou art and how desperately they need You. May their faith be strengthened as they learn about Your love and forgiveness. May their trust in You grow as they see You work in their lives.

God, keep each one close to Your heart, under the shadow of Your protection and love, bless their lives with peace, joy and hope. Protect their bodies from illness and disease keeping them healthy and whole. May they shine Your light and bring joy to everyone their heart touches, may they always know who they are in You so that they never fall into the traps of self destruction or hate. May they always know how precious and loved they are to You and to me. 

In Jesus' name I pray,

