Prayer For The Frontliners In The COVID Fight - Gods411

Prayer For The Frontliners In The COVID Fight

As we continue to fight this virus, let’s remember all of those on the frontlines at these difficult times.

All of the doctors, nurses, medical staff, necessities workers, to name a few.

Thank You for them, we give gratitude for their heroic efforts and service.

We pray that they are guarded by God’s angels, keeping them safe.

We pray they have the much-needed energy to continue working strenuous hours on their feet.

We pray that their spirits are energized and their bodies made whole.

We pray that they are refreshed by the Holy Spirit and cleansed of any bad cells.

We pray for those families that have lost loved ones.

May their legacy never die as they helped those in need, losing their life was not in vain.

Let’s remember to support those that have taken drastic measures to ensure our safety and wellness.

Father be with those that cannot return to their families as they fight for our lives and not risk the lives of their families.

They are separated from their loved ones.

We pray also for the researchers that are working long hours to find a cure for this terrible disease.

We pray that You will bless them with the knowledge, know how and means for this to happen soon.

We all have fear of our future Lord. We know that You are in control.

With You all things are possible.


  1. Amen, to The Most High. And right now, I t
    hank you for posting this.

  2. Amen Thank You for caring stay safe love the work y'all do ing

  3. Why do you have fear of your future if you know God's in control? Oxymoron...ijs


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