Prayer For Our Lives To Return Back To Normal

March has been a tough month. There have been a lot of changes in our lives. A lot of fear, panick, and the sense of uncertainty for our future.  

But, the new month of April is upon us. We hope and pray that in April COVID-19 will become a distant memory. Join with me in prayer that April will be a month of new beginnings, and healing.

Dear Lord,
March has been a tough month. I cannot remember a time when I have been more uncertain of my future and the future of my family and loved ones. It has been a huge lifestyle shift. Everything that I have known is all new and uncomfortable. 

Lord, we ask forgiveness for our sins, we turn to You, we ask that You would hear our prayers and heal Your land (2 Chron. 7:14). Take away our fears.

Lord, we look forward to April with hope. We pray that in this new month, COVID-19 will be behind us and our lives and communities we be back to normal. We pray that we never forget this time, and never take You or our freedoms for granted...ever. 

In Jesus Name

Please post your own prayer below. 👇 Let us flood the heavens with our cries to God.


  1. Please God heal me give hope for I am hopeless bless me financially Lord Jesus, cover my children, family and Friends in the blood of Jesus Christ I pray . Amen

  2. Lord grace us with your healing powers...AMEN

  3. Dear Lord Jesus.. have mercy on us . Please heal our land.. for you alone have the power to control over our present situation.... Amen..

  4. Lord Jehovah, forgive my many sins and help me to become a better Christian...heal my family-physically and financially-and for our world to become a better place-bless & heal & protect all my family and friends-I ask this in Jesus' name-amen


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