I Don't Want A Perfect Life, Just A Happy One

Sometimes I look around and I feel like others have a perfect life. You know the ones you see on Facebook that have the perfect house, husband, car and kids. They go on vacation and are successful in their jobs. They always have smiles on their faces and never seem to have the troubles that I have.

I am saddened, many of these seemingly "perfect" people, do not know Jesus. They do not know the infinite happiness and joy that He can give. They will not have an eternal home. 

I do not have a perfect life. Do you feel you go through so many trials and struggles that you just want a little "perfect"? I do too. BUT, I know that I have Jesus to get me through my imperfect times and I have a well to tap into that is bottomless and filled with joy if I choose to drink from it. 

We are happy because we have Jesus and we have eternal life with Him.

Written By: Kim Bushmiller


  1. I think maybe you are looking at the wrong life to define "perfect".
    Matt. 5:48

  2. True a perfect that is mature life Is one guided by Love from above. God Of Abraham Is Love from Above He Is God Above everything. He cant make mistakes He gives mercy to all that draw close to Him. Happy Blessed Fortunate is same word. Happy Is The Human who believes before seeing.


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