Tuesday, March 24, 2020

God Will Be Victorious Over COVID-19

This is exactly where satan wants us to be..isolated, away from our loved ones, away from social gatherings, AWAY FROM CHURCH! Can you imagine, he is probably jumping up and down thinking he has won!

Well, what he doesn’t realize is that we Christians will spend quality time with our loved ones, we will send our neighbors and friends well wishes over the phones, we will send encouragement that God is in control, we will pray for others, and we will connect with God MORE.

So let satan jump up and down. Let him see what we are doing together as God’s children, coming together, spreading faith over fear and PRAYING to God who WILL win!

I don’t know about you, but I know I feel blessed today.


  1. Yes! God is greater than what we're facing now and it's just for a moment cos we shall bunch back again better and stronger IJN.

  2. Yes God will win and God has already won. THe ALMIGHTY has his own purposes.

  3. Hallelujah to the lamb! You are worthy God! You will never leave us or forsake us!

  4. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Pray without sessing, pray,pray & pray for his will for America. Our Father God loves us. We must seek and do his will and if we do his will he tells us in his word he will bless us. Thank you Father God for your word and your promises.

  5. Satan is defeated,he does not have power upon us, God has power amongst all the sickness 🙏🔥

  6. Satan will lose in this battle again. God is the only king of kings and He will remain King forever and ever Amen.🙏

  7. Keep looking up Yes he will win God is mighty God Believe
