A Prayer of Renewal - Gods411

Dear Lord,
We all have been through so much these last two months. We have known fear, uncertainty, and stress. Lord, we are praying for a time of renewal in our World. We need You more than ever right now. Your people are crying out for You.

Lord, we are looking forward to the warmth of the sun, the new growth in nature.   A fresh start for the World. 

Lord, I pray for protection for my family and friends. I pray for those that are sick right now, please heal them. I prayer for those that are out of work right now and the bills are piling up. I pray for the economic survival of the world. Things do not look great right now. I pray for those who are close to losing their business. 

Lord, we know that You are in control even though it is does not feel like it right now. We hang onto Your promises in Scripture. We cling to them like a warm blanket. 

Lord, You are our God, and we are Your people. Bless us.

We pray all these things in Your powerful Name,


  1. Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ will always be here for us but everyone must believe that Jesus Christ was born and died for our sins but we have to believe and pray everyday and night so they know that they can help everyone. Amen.


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