How To Hear God In Your Life

I am sure that you have heard someone say "It is good to hear your voice". Or maybe you have experienced that feeling yourself? You know the feeling, maybe it has been a long time since you have spoken to a best friend or family member, and just hearing their voice brings about feelings of comfort and remembrance of good times.

Life is noisy. 
It is in two ways, first, you have the non-stop cell phones, TVs, stereos, iPods, CD players, car radios, airplanes, car engines, lawnmowers.... it just seems like you never get away from the volume of life.

Second, you have the "Noise" of life. 
You get up in the morning, fight traffic, work a full day with all the pressures that a job carries, fight traffic on the way home. When you get home you try and live up to the expectations a being a Godly parent. Maybe you might find sometime to watch a little TV, then off to bed to start the cycle over again.

I can remember feeling very distant from Jesus
I know it is never Jesus that leaves us, we pull away from Him. So, I knew that it was something that I was doing. I remember going in my room alone and praying every night trying to hear Him speak into my life. I remember pleading with Him just to give me some direction in my life, but I never heard Him speak. Yes, I was reading my Bible, but you know what I am talking about, that small little voice.

Then it dawned on me, my life had too much "Noise". GOD wanted to speak to me, but I had so much "Noise" in my life I could not hear. I started to look in my Bible to refresh my memory of how GOD spoke.

GOD frequently spoke in the silence in the Bible.
  • GOD appeared to Abraham near the trees of Mamre while he was sitting in the heat of the day. (Gen. 18:1)
  • GOD spoke to Moses at the Mountain of Horeb. (Exodus 3)
  • Moses was given the Ten Commandments alone on Mount Sinai (Exodus 19)
  • Moses withdrew to his Tent of Meetings where he met with GOD one on one.
  • GOD spoke to Samuel while we was lying down in the Temple. (1 Samuel 3)
  • Then there is one of my favorite stories where GOD spoke to Elijah on top of a mountain, in a gentle whisper, after a lot of "Noise" (Powerful wind, earthquake, and fire) (1 Kings 19:11-18)

If you jump to the New Testament, Jesus withdrew to solitary places to speak to His FATHER many times. You can go cover to cover of the Bible and find many examples of where GOD spoke one on one, alone.

Turn Off The Noise
I do not know how long it has been since you have heard that Voice. Maybe you are new to all this and you have never heard HIS voice. GOD is always by you, waiting to speak into your life, but sometimes we need to slow down, turn off the "Noise" so that we can hear HIS voice. I am not saying that you need to go on vacation to hear HIM. Maybe a visit to the local park, maybe a hike on that mountain trail, maybe an afternoon next to that river? I think that main thing is to be alone with your Creator, turn off the "Noise" and listen. Don't you find it interesting how GOD and nature connect? 


  1. Yes! When I was in the rat race, which everyone most everyone must be to keep even the most necessary of things paid. It was so loud!!! I kept a place and still have a place in my house to go and sit with God. Acknowledge his goodness, gratitude and his grace. My place is now in my kitchen looking out my back window, I have much more time now and OMGooosh! Im so gratful and fortunate to be able to go and sit as long as I can now. I am praying for single women I know who have to do it by themseleves, for my husband who is in such noise all day. I pray they are able to make that choice even if they have to get up a little early or when they get home. Don't turn that T.V on just go to your place. You will be filled for the day ahead. You will be given the grace and peace you need for the day! Don't forfit God for something mindless and comfortable. This is called sacrifice, our daily act of worship is to deny the flesh for Christ! He gave it all, we unfortunately only give him some. God loves us just the same!

  2. How very beautiful!!
    God is Great! God is good!


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