Are You At Peace In Your Life?

Three Kind of Relationships
In your lives there are three kinds of relationships that you will have. We have an internal relationship with ourselves, we have an external relationship with others, then finally and most important we have an eternal relationship with God.

All three of these relationships need to be in balance with each other to bring peace. If you are not right with yourself or do not feel good about yourself inside (Internal). It will affect your relationships with others around you (External).

The most important relationship is 
your eternal relationship with GOD. This aspect will affect all your other relationships. If you are not right with GOD, you are not right internally and externally.

A good example of this is Onesimus
Onesimus was not at peace internally. He stole money from his master, then he ran as far away as he could go. Internally he must have been a mess. Then he found Paul, and Paul helped him find Christ. Once Onesimus made his eternal relationship right, he felt at peace with himself, and then made things right with his other relationship to Philemon, his wife, and I would guess the home church.

If you find that you are not at peace with yourself and others around you, may you make peace with your eternal relationship with GOD. May you know that once that relationship is secure, all others will fall into place.

Onesimus Bible Story
Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother,To Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house:Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

The story is pretty simple. Philemon owned Onesimus who was a slave that scholars believed stole money from Philemon (v18). Onesimus then wanted to get as far away from Philemon as he could, so he ran away to Rome, where he met up with Paul in prison.

From there Onesimus became very useful to Paul, as well as a new believer in Christ. But Paul legally could not keep Onesimus. So Paul wrote a letter to Philemon asking him to take Onesimus back, not as a slave anymore, but as a brother in Christ. This was a tense moment as Philemon has every right to have Onesimus executed for what he has done.
