Why Does God Allow Suffering - Pray This Prayer

Good morning family in Christ. Are you going through some hard times right now? When we suffer or our loved ones suffer, it is very hard to understand why. When we are followers of Jesus, why must we suffer? 

Why does God allow suffering? 

Ultimately our suffering is the result of man's rebellion against God. But, why does a loving God still allow us to suffer?

3 Reasons Why God Allows It:

1. When you became a Christian, you chose a side.

When you chose to walk with God, satan and the unseen spiritual world took a new stand and wants nothing more than to draw you away from Jesus. Satan knows the only way he can hurt God is to hurt His children. He will do anything to draw us away from Him forever. Now, the closer you get to God the harder satan works, the heavier the resistance. But don't let that scare you, stand your ground to fight and say "My God is bigger than you satan, I will NOT back down, I will NOT turn around, I will NOT fall into your traps, I love Jesus and no matter what you throw at me, I will NOT let go of my Savior!"

2. For us to know Christ to the fullest, we must share in His suffering.

In Romans 8:17-18, God tells us that to truly know Jesus's glory, we must also know His suffering. Because we are in Christ, we have the privilege of relating to the Father through Jesus. He tells us that we are not immune to suffering, but suffering is a condition of our future glorification. This future glory outweighs our present sufferings.

3. Suffering produces faith and faith produces strength.

In Romans 5:3-5, God tells us that our sufferings will produce perseverance, perseverance, character and character, hope.

God also tells us in Isaiah 48:10, that He will refine us in the furnace of suffering. Ask God to guide you out of your suffering and to teach you how to come out of this suffering, stronger, more faithful, filled with hope, and strengthened with joy. You will be abundantly blessed.

Let us pray together.

Father, we may not understand why we are suffering right now or in the future, but help us to see Your faithfulness and love for us all through our hard times. Remind us that our suffering on earth, far outweighs the amazing relief and happiness we will receive in heaven with You.

I pray Father that any of us reading this message today that are deeply hurting, that You will wrap them up in Your arms and lead them to a peace and hope that will strengthen their soul, allowing them to persevere, and be strengthened with Your divine hope. 

Help us all to realize Father, that the evil one is hard at work to hurt Your children, but if we stay close to You, he will never win!

Those of us that are standing firm against satan, as hard as he tries to remove us from Your presence, I pray you warp us in Your heavenly armor, surround us with your mighty angels and help us to win this battle against evil. 

We love you Jesus. I am so blessed to be able to actually suffer with You and ultimately receiving a deeper relationship and understanding of You. We know Your Spirit will guide us through our sufferings, giving us the hope and strength we need. Help us to be patient and confident in our faith and trust in You.

In Jesus Name We Pray,

