God's Message For You Today - You Will Be Victorious!

Today, My dear child, with My mighty hand, I lift your burdens, removing every bit of lost hope, and every notion of defeat from your life. My desire is to see you filled with happiness and to see you triumph in all circumstances in your life. 

Accept My embrace, take My hand, I surround you in my protective grace. Feel My glory engulf you. Rise now, My beloved, confront your challenges, knowing that You are strong and courageous in Me. Be brave, do not fear anything the world throws at you, those who oppose you will fall. Believe in what I promise. 

I cherish you deeply My beloved, whenever you feel overwhelmed, stuck or impatient, remember that, remind yourself to turn to me and find rest. Lay your worries at My feet. Let Me carry your burdens for you. And when doubt begins to fester and wreak havoc on your emotions, and you lack the strength to endure, open your heart to Me and let My love replenish your spirit.

Come to Me every morning My child, have a heart to heart with Me. Do not be afraid of what lies in your heart, the fear, anger or doubt. Instead come to Me boldly, expecting Me to remove all of your obstacles and renew you. Do not leap from your bed into the day's distractions or worries. Instead, start each day with gratitude for your family, for your life, for this new day and fresh opportunities will be revealed.

Yes, My beloved, some trials you face will take some patience, you will need to confront some of your weaknesses, but I will give you strength. I will give you encouragement and I will bless you all along the way. Do not fear the battle. Do not dread the resistance or difficulty you face. Instead stand firm, without fear, for I am with you. 

Not because you are flawless, but because you have devoted yourself to Me and embraced My love. When you place Me first in your life, in your thoughts, and in prayer, you will see the impossible become possible.

My blessings are abundant My beloved and in any challenge you face, once again, you will prevail. I love you unconditionally, unsurpassed and thoroughly, you are My child and this bond is eternal. Because it is eternal you will be victorious in all you do.


