Prayer - God Can Do The Impossible In Your Life

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray this prayer comes to you at a time when you need it most.

Remember that God is in control. God is faithful and good. God loves you so much that He will do the impossible in your life.

All of the things you are going through right now are in His loving hands, and as you read this prayer He is working things out just for you. His perfect plan, in His perfect timing. Never doubt that.

Let us pray a powerful prayer together and watch God work amazing things in our lives today.

Oh Lord, there are so many times that we fail at remembering that You are in control. We get so wrapped up in our problems, that we forget that You are right by our side, You are taking care of EVERYTHING for us and You promise to bless us.

Let us fill our heart and soul with that promise today. Let that joy and hope fill our spirit and help us to rise above all of the anger, fear and negativity. Let us be strong and confident in knowing that You will fix everything that is broken in our lives.

Related Article - God Can Do The Impossible

I pray today Father that all who are reading this and their tears are falling, that You would give the peace they need to endure, and the healing that they desire. May Your greatness fill them so full that they are fierce and ready to face anything, knowing that You will make them successful in anything they face.

Let us cling to You today Father and Your mighty promises that can fill our hearts and change our lives.

In Jesus' Name,


I pray for all of you to have a day filled with amazing God blessings.

Kim <><
