It Is Not By Accident That You Saw This Message From God!

Today My child I want you to tell your soul this, I am your Creator. I understand you more intimately than anyone else could, and I love you more than anyone else can. I want to heal your mind and soul and free you from the chains of guilt and anxiety. I want to lavish you with My goodness and favor. 

If you are feeling life is too much to bear, remember it's no accident that you're hearing this message right now. These words are meant for you, a testament to My enduring love, My forgiveness of your sins and My acceptance of your mistakes. Don't allow yourself to carry the weight of your past woes. You are not always to blame, sometimes you've been misled, misunderstood and betrayed. 

Remind yourself that I love you deeply, and I have shown you My mercy and love, as I do not punish you for your missteps. Missteps that might warrant discipling. Nor have I ever turned you away for past disobedience. Remember that no sin is greater than another, each carries its weight in consequences. Acts of adultery and immorality can ravage your body and life, while slander, lies, pride and discrimination will also tear down relationships and cause pain.

My child, with this fresh new day, I want you to hear My voice speaking directly to your heart. I am here today My beloved to promise you victory over your burdens. I want you to know this My beloved child, victory is yours. The trials that you face, the sadness that threatens to tear you down, will not prevail. You are destined for great things My beloved, I promise.

Remember today, our bond is eternal, you are My child, and I love you with an unsurpassed love.


Your God Almighty
