If You Need God's Blessing, Say This Prayer

Good morning, our family in Christ. We pray you feel blessed to be in God's watchful hands knowing that He will take care of your every need today.

Take that to heart today, as you face your difficult times, God WILL provide ALL you need today! He tells us not to worry about tomorrow because He's got your back. He promises that you WILL be taken care of.

So, let's pray together and ask for that insight to be instilled into our hearts and souls all throughout our day. May God's promise allow us to receive God's blessings and miracles that He will so lovingly give to us...today.

Father God, thank You for this day, thank You for the gift of being able to have another day with our loved ones.

We pray Father that we are all reminded today that You have our backs. You will take care of everything we face today, and we can be confident and firm in our faith knowing that we will come out blessed. Remind each one of us when we become weary with our troubles that You are with us, always and still, You never leave our side.

I pray Father that anyone that is praying here with us that needs You and Your protection, that You will send Your mighty angels to watch closely over them. Give them the strength and endurance that they need. Give us all direction and answers to our prayers.

God, as we all face difficult times in our life, let us focus on today only. Getting through this day, focused on You and not consumed with the "what if's" but the "God can and will's".

We are so blessed to pray here together as a family. Thank You for bringing each one of us here to this place to be able to pray together in fellowship, as You call us to do.

May each one be overwhelming blessed today Father.

We love You.💕

In Jesus' Name we pray,

Amen 🙏

May you be abundantly blessed today, family in Christ!

Kim <><

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