God Will Send You A Miracle

God Will Send You A Miracle

Watch Miracle Video At The Bottom

Hello our family in Christ. I pray you all had a peaceful day yesterday and a night filled with confidence in God that He has all of your burdens, worries and conflicts in His loving hands.

I pray today that He will remove all of your doubts, and fill you with faith and hope. This is where miracles will happen. Always believe in that, that God is going to send you a miracle. 

Never give up, never give up on prayer, because just when you think there is no hope, there is God and He provides.

Let's pray this prayer together as a family being bold enough to expect miracles.

Thank You God for bringing us together as a family in Christ. What an amazing thing to possess, a love for You and to share that with others is such a blessing.

We pray today Father that you will wake us each morning, filled with confidence and peace knowing You will deliver many miracles. Let each of us sleep soundly at night with the promise in our heart that You are the God of miracles.

When we begin to worry about our answers to prayer, help us to stop and remember that You will always take care of us. When we want to give up on prayer, may Your Spirit step in and pray for us. Remind us that miracles happen every day and that we should never seize from praying with our requests.

Father, I ask that You increase our faith today. Increase our trust in You. We will stand before You with the promise that You, with Your grace and favor, will provide all we need in the exact time that we need it.

Protect our hearts today from the evil one Father. Protect us from the negative thoughts and the insecurities that the world places on us, trapping us into thinking You will not come through.

Let us stand up today brave and strong and confident that our miracle will happen, because we have faith in You and You are good!

In Jesus' Name


Have an amazing day in Christ family.

Kim <><
