God Will Answer Your Prayers

Good morning sisters and brothers in Christ. I pray this message finds you well and hopeful in the presence of God. I pray no matter what battles you are facing today, that your soul finds strength and courage to endure. I pray that answers to your prayers will be granted today. God is good!

Let us pray together, counting on God to answer our requests, being faithful enough to believe our heart's desires are God's desires for us.

Father, thank You for this day You have given us. Thank You for always being faithful and true. 

Father I ask that fear and doubt do not rule our thoughts today. The evil work of the oppressor that loves to prey on our weaknesses. Protect us today God with the mighty work of Your angels, may their fiery swords protect us from harm, protect us from evil. As you tell us in Psalm 91, we will be protected by Your angels no matter where we are.

Related Article -  Claim Psalm 91 Over Your Life

Father, when we face hard times, trials in life, we sometimes lose focus of what REALLY matters, You. We tend to become so consumed with the fear of not knowing which direction to take, or what the outcome of our circumstances will be. We question whether or not You really care, we question if You are ever going to answer. We then fall into a deep darkness. A darkness of sadness, fear and uncertainty.

I pray God that any of us that are facing the darkness today, that You will lift us up out of it. Show us Your guiding light, Your light of hope, peace and love. Give us the knowledge to know that everything will be ok because we have You. No mountain is too big, no river is too deep, You are the God of the impossible, so we WILL always overcome anything we face.

May each person reading this today God, feel an overwhelming filling of Your Spirit, a confidence that no matter what they are facing, they will come out of their circumstances victorious. You will carry them through and they will prosper.

Praise God, for He is good!

In Jesus' Name we pray,


Have a very blessed day family in Christ.❤️

Kim <>< 
