God or satan - Whose Side Do You Choose?

Good morning family in Christ. I pray that this message not only stirs your inner soul, but also brings you to that boldness and not fear, to lead others to an eternal peace in God. We plant the seeds, God will do the work. And in this world right now, WE NEED JESUS!

Just a note: I do not capitalize satan in this message because he does not deserve it!


As I read this today, I am afraid that there are not many encouraging words that come along with that.... it is the end of the world. But, as I am reading this, I cannot help but to see God's love and mercy for His people that He created. Let's face it, He has the power and choice to destroy everyone here on earth. He has been so very patient and understanding, ever since Adam and Eve.

I find verses 9:20-21 utterly amazing (Below). After all of these incredibly destructive events take place, plus 1/3 of mankind are killed, they STILL do not repent, they stay with their sinful ways. Amazing. I checked the Earth's population tonight, and it was 7.95 BILLION So, if this event were to have taken place today over 2.5 million people would have died, and these people still stay in their sinful ways. Please double check me, as that number is staggering.

There is no middle ground

When you read Revelation you can't help but to notice, that there is a major struggle between good and evil. There is no middle or neutral ground, you are either with God or against Him. If you are on God's side the numbers that will be lost to God and won to satan are heartbreaking. Their pain and suffering no-one (except satan) should have to endure.

Which side have you chosen? 

My friends or should I say soldiers, You have chosen a side in the battle, what have you done in this war? Have many brothers and sisters fallen to the enemy due to your lack of not wanting to get involved?

Revelation 9:20-21

The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.
