Let God Change Your Sadness Into Hope

Hello our family in Christ. This is Kim and I am praying that all of you reading this are filled with God's peace today. I pray that unanswered prayers of yours are answered.

I am so thankful in the morning when I rise and I realize that no matter what I face today, God will take care of me. It is hard sometimes because things just don't make sense, but I know He loves me, and I wanted to encourage you today with these words....GOD LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY.

I know that at times I get so frustrated with a battle I am facing, and I wonder why God isn't leading me to greener pastures. But I try to remind my soul, sometimes every second :-) to remember that God will take care of everything and in the end I will be blessed. He promises this to all of us, you will be blessed and you will be victorious!

How amazing is our God?! 

I encourage you to take just a moment to look around you, what has He blessed you with today, already? A new day, a new chance, a roof overhead, the summer sunshine or birds singing sweet songs. He blesses us with so much daily. Little reminders of His great love for us, but we need to remember to stop in the mist of despair to see those blessings. When you take just a moment to see His beauty, His gifts around you, it helps you to release some of the negativity. It doesn't always take away the pain, suffering or anxiety, but it sure helps to focus up instead of out.

Let us pray together.

Father, some of us are really struggling right now. For those of us that are dealing with the uncertainties of life, the fear of endless sickness and pain, the fear of the unknown, I pray for Your peace and hope to fill their soul, re-energizing and refreshing their outlook on their challenges. Give them the strength to press forward, give them the rest they need, give them the understanding to KNOW You will provide everything they need. And Father may I be so bold in my faith to ask for a miracle in their life. 

We trust in You. I have great faith in You! I KNOW that with You all things are possible and You are faithful. Bless each family member that is reading this today Father. How great thou art.

We love You and thank you, 

In Jesus' name,


Have a blessed day family.

Kim <><
