Is Your Lack of Faith Blocking Your Blessings?

Is Your Lack of Faith Blocking Your Blessings?

Good morning friends, this is Jim,

As I was reading this morning from the books of Acts, I came across how Peter and John healed the lame beggar (Acts 3). This was after Jesus was taken into Heaven and the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost (Acts 2).

I stopped and thought about Peter's and John's healing, and what amazing confidence in Jesus they had to KNOW all they had to do is speak the words, "In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, walk."

Now remember, these were the same disciples in Matthew 17:14-20 who could NOT heal the boy who had "seizures and suffers terribly, for he often falls into the fire and into the water." After they failed to heal the boy, Jesus had to heal him. The disciples came to Jesus and asked why they could not heal him?

Jesus responded, “It was because of your little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; nothin will be impossible for you."

So why could Peter and John not heal the boy in Matthew, but could heal the lame beggar in Acts 3? Peter even raised Tabitha from the dead in Acts 9!

The difference was time spent with Jesus, learning from Him, watching Him, going through trials with Him. All of these experiences built up Peter's and John's faith.

Is Your Lack Of Faith Blocking Your Blessings?

I could not help to think how our lack of faith could be blocking our blessings and stopping us from not seeing God's amazing power in our lives. 

If you feel that God is not active in your life, and you miss seeing the power of Jesus work miracles in your life, I would encourage you to evaluate how much time you are spending with Jesus. 

Are you learning from Him daily? Do you embrace trials in your life, knowing this is a chance for you to witness the power of Jesus? Or do you shy away and opt for the comfortable life?

Let me pray for you

Dear Jesus, we long to see Your miracles in our lives. We want to feel the power of your love and protection. Lord, increase our faith! Let us not shy away from the trials of life. Let us embrace them knowing you will walk with us in them and never leave us. Lord, give us the desire to know you better, and when we do reach out to you, meet us there. We love and praise you Jesus.

In Jesus' name, amen

Have a blessed day!

