Do You Need Prayer Today?

Be sure to watch video at bottom

Good morning family and friends. Praise God today for all that you are blessed with. God loves you so much, He has ALREADY blessed you today. God is good! AMEN

Let's make a pact today, that we will make the best of this day and we will pay close attention to the details of God's love that He surrounds us with. Today as a family in Christ, let's make a pact that we will focus on Him and not our problems.

Great things happen when we work together in Him. We can pray for one another, lift each other up and sometimes just sit in silence and support one another. God loves that.

Let's comment on what we need prayer for, so that we all can pray for one another.

As Jesus tells us in Matthew:

Matthew 18:19-20

“Also, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. This is true because if two or three people come together in my name, I am there with them."

God Has This Message For You: Read God's Message

Let us pray together and we will be blessed.

Father, thank You for Your forever, faithful love for us. Love that will make us strong, love that guarantees us that we will be cared for and love that promises we will never perish.

God as we come to You with our prayer requests and as we intercede in prayer for one another, we will rely on Your promise that You will hear our prayers and bring to us healing and answers. I ask Father, that those that have a hard time praying will rely on the power of Your Spirit interceding with wordless groans for them.

I pray God that all requests that come across to You from this message are received and fulfilled.

We believe in You and we believe in Your promises. Let our prayer requests be heard loud and clear from our humble and aching hearts.

May Your angels surround each person that is reading this message, protecting them and comforting them. May each person that lays a request before You, be blessed with answers to their requests and may each one that comes to you be blessed with Your goodness and favor today.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Have a beautiful, fulfilled day in Him.๐Ÿ’•

Kim <><
