Do You Long To Hear God's Voice?

Good day our family in Christ. God has blessed us with a beautiful day, a day that He will show us how much He loves us by showing us His creations and through His powerful voice. I am so grateful that God woke me this morning!

As I was chatting with God this morning, He laid it on my heart that these messages of encouragement are His work. As we were talking in prayer, He reminded me that in His word He tells us to encourage one another. I know my heart is so warmed when I get to send you all a message of His love.

He then lead me to 1 Thessalonians 5, He is funny that way isn't He? Reaffirming His words by leading me to this verse. In 1 Thessalonians it says, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

I love that, He calls us to love one another, encourage one another with love.

Pray with me this prayer and may the blessings of this message fill your life today.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of waking us up and sharing special moments with You. Thank You for Your affirming word and Your Spirit leading us to confirmation that You are speaking in our lives, always.

We thank You God for the time we can share together, as a family in Christ and knowing that someday in Heaven we will meet! How exciting is that? 

We pray and stand together today God with bold faith and trust in You that our prayers are heard and will be answered. May our prayer together come sweetly to Your ears and You reward us for that commitment to love You, trust You and have faith in You. Reward us with daily whispers of Your mighty voice.

Father I pray that each one of our friends and family that join in this message today receive healing and restoration today. I pray You will wrap each  one up in your protective wings and healing powers. May each one reading this feel a flush of warmth over their bodies, knowing it is You giving them a hug.

God is good!❤️

In Jesus' name we pray,


Have a beautiful day in Him my friends.

Kim <><
