God's Message For You Today


God's Message For You

I am not surprised by what you are going through right now, your unfortunate pain and sorrow. When you cannot find the strength to face another day, I want you to learn to choose to come to Me.

Hold My promises close to your heart. Choose to honor Me in whatever you do. You will experience something AMAZING when you do.

You will have a new perspective on life. You will see your problems in a different light. You will recognize that I am bigger than your problems. You will see that I am more powerful than satan's antics.

Today My child, I want you to remind yourself that I am always here for you. No matter how hard life may seem, no matter how big the obstacle in your path, by focusing on Me you will feel a peace and comfort inside of you, like you’ve never felt before.

Because you are created in My image, when you focus on Me, you will no longer feel the pain and doubts that the enemy is causing you. You will feel a peace and joy that no one or nothing else can give you.

So, my child, when you are feeling despair, when you are feeling like your pain is going unnoticed or that your prayers are going unanswered, remember that the enemy is trying to pull you away from Me, he wants to destroy your destiny. But his evil schemes are no match for Me, and when you are wrapped in My loving presence, no man and no evil can harm you.

I see the tears in Your eyes My beloved, I see the uphill battle you are facing, nothing is a surprise to Me, because I saw this before you were born and even before you were born, I had already prepared a way for you, to be blessed and favored beyond measure.

I love you, God
