A Prayer For Peaceful Sleep - Gods411

A Prayer For Peaceful Sleep 

If you are like me you have trouble falling asleep. Kim wrote this prayer to help you give it to God, and fall asleep. 😴

Father, as I try to fall asleep, I ask that You calm my fears,

Ease my soul and decrease my anxieties.

Help me to rest in Your sovereignty.

Remind me that I cannot control everything,

But You can.

Remind me that when life gets harder, my situations get bigger

You are BIGGER than my problems and You are the God of possible.

I fear what I have to face tomorrow.

I have anxiety about my future.

Everything ahead looks impossible.

But You tell me to not let my heart be troubled.

You tell me that no problem is too big.

You never rest.

You are God almighty.

You made everything in this universe.

You knew my name before I was even a thought.

Give me the strength and faith to give it all to You and sleep.

May my tomorrow be filled with amazing blessings from You.


👇Comment: Do You Have Any Tricks To Fall Asleep?👇
