Thank You God For Never Giving Up On Me

One of the greatest lies the enemy throws our way is that there’s a limit on how many times we can ask for forgiveness. But God stands, arms open wide, extending the greatest gift of all: relationship and community with Him.

Here are seven reasons God will never give up on you:

God is Relational
God desires a relationship with us. Let’s not reject Him any longer, but run to Him and find peace and hope.

God is Kind
God doesn’t stand like an umpire at a ball game waiting to shout, “You’re out!” Instead, He draws us to Himself with kindness. It’s not threat of punishment that brings us to a place of forgiveness, but loving kindness. Receive God’s kindness at face value. He’s kind. His kindness has no agenda except to draw you to Himself. 

God is Grace
If mercy withholds God’s punishment, then grace is the outpouring of His blessings. It’s mercy that withholds from us from experiencing eternal separation from God. God doesn’t give up on us. If God deems us worthy to receive mercy and grace, why do we reject it? Accept it as the extravagant gift it is. 

God is Merciful
In the darkest parts of the night and in the darkest corner of our hearts, we know that we don’t deserve mercy. He extends the richest and greatest form of mercy we could ever experience and doesn’t call us to earn it. He calls us to simply receive it.

God is Faithful
God will never leave us nor forsake us. He doesn’t leave us to our own defenses or understanding. He is our defender. His faithfulness is what enables our wretched, sinful heart to enter into relationship with Him. He is faithful to receive our repentant hearts. 

God is Compassionate
He extends forgiveness and desires us to receive Him. He receives murderers and gossips with the same amount of grace, and this type of compassion is beyond our comprehension. God stands at the door of our hearts and knocks even when we refuse to answer. He makes a way through the desert even when we run away from Him. 

God is Love
Love is woven throughout God’s word to us and it culminates in the Son of Man, Jesus Christ. God came and lived among men so that we might know the Father’s heart towards us, which is a heart for our good and His good purposes. Nothing can separate you from the love of God and the eternal life that is available for you. Receive God’s gift of love and allow Him to work in you so that you live a life of love for Him. 

๐Ÿ‘‡Comment: Thank God for never giving up on you.๐Ÿ‘‡


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