I Believe In The Power of Prayer | Gods411

I have this powerful experience with Jesus and what He has done in my life. At times I feel like I could burst, if I do not get this Good News out to others. If you are like me, you have seen the power of prayer work in your lives. Impossible situations that change. The sick are healed, money shows up from nowhere. 

Related Blog: Grandparents Prayer

So, when I see someone suffering that has not experienced this power, my heart goes out to them. I want them to have this joy that I have. And I know their live would be so much better if they could taste what I have tasted. So I want to pray for them, not to push my religion on them, I pray because I love people and I know it works. 

Never shy away when God lays it on your heart to pray for another person. Do not be discouraged if they refuse, you can still lift that person up. Never shy away from prayer for others.

Please comment if you have ever had someone refuse prayer for them.


  1. The last time I heard from my daughter I told her I would pray for her because of sickness. I was told I was to religious and she was no longer going to talk to me. It's been 3 years. I continue to pray for her.

    1. All you can do, is try and be a good example for her, and turn it over to God.

    2. That's sad. Three years? Yes, keep praying. God does miracles. God's got this!!?

    3. Let’s all pray with her!

    4. Dear praying mom,God's Word never goes void..Keep planting those seeds. God is working while you are waiting.He will bring her back to you when her heart is ready.Trust in His perfect timing. I will pray for you and your daughter

    5. I'm a walking miracle.too many details to put into words.I'm so grateful I had a family with so much faith they never gave up hope,no matter what the doctors or nurses said..I wasn't living right at the time.God reached down and pulled me out..he opened my eyes.I felt so much guilt and shame.I've been true to GOD ever since.I may make mistakes,but I ask for forgiveness and guidance in every thing I do or say and think.I was on life support for 2 weeks.I weighed 87 pounds.That was in July 2017.I will never intentionally sin again.I have no desire to.once GOD touches you.You finally wake up and realize how much God and his son love us.we need to do all we can to get souls saved before Jesus returns.PRAYER TRULY WORKS.I PRAY RIGHT NOW THAT GOD WILL OPEN YOUR EYES BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU.IN JESUS NAME I PRAY.

    6. I kept telling my Mom for her and Dad to stop praying for me They didnt and I got saved thru some miraculous events Just keep loving and believing

    7. Praying Mom; I wanted to let you know that I'm in the same boat as you are, kinda. I haven't talked to my oldest son, since he was 19 y/o's and he is now 32 y/o. My middle son, since he was 18 y/o and he is now 27 y/o. It's been 13 years for one and 9 years for the other. When I was younger, 18 y/o I got married to my kids' dad. I was upset that my mom wouldn't let me get married in June like I wanted before I turned 18. I thought I knew everything that there was to know in life. I did not talk to my mom for 6 months. I would not even a knowledge that she was living. Needless, to say I grew up and I asked my mom forgiveness. My mom has been gone this year will be 4 years in July. She used to tell me everyday when I wasn't talking to her, "I'm praying for you. God will shine his light upon you. I love you." I would just walk away, mumbling "Thank you for the prayers." Before my mom passed, she would tell me multi-times a day that "The boys will come around. God has a plan. I will pray for you and the boys. I love you." I would tell her in response, "Thank you, Mom. I know, but it is so hard. I don't know what I did wrong. I love you, too." So, I will pray for you and your daughter. God has a plan. It is not our job to ask "Why, Lord?" Our job is know that in his plan he has this. Good luck. Ps.
      I don't know how to change the profile. My name is Tammey (((hugs)))

    8. Try talking to your kids about movies, walks, food, jobs, etc... leave the god talk at home and connect with your kids.

    9. All you grieving mom's, I am a grieving mom too,but remember what the bible tells us that right before Jesus returns to get those of us that are watching waiting for him, THERE WILL UNNATURAL AFFECTIONS CHILDREN WILL NOT LOVE AND HONOR THEIR PARENTS ,AND THERE WILL BE PARENTS THAT DO NOT LOVE AND TAKE CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN, THIS TELLS US WHAT TIME IT IS. Keep on praying because god know our BROKEN HEARTS.My heart is broken because of the lack of love and concern for me I have three sons and I am a widow.No help from any of them and they live close.

  2. I have. It should not be surprising because not everyone believes in prayer.

  3. Please pray my friend Mary Lilibeth right now she is in california hospital suffering from a cancer.

  4. Lord,
    Thank you for always be there on us my family.
    Thank you for hearing our prayer always.
    I love praying and praying for others for thier salvation,to save them,to heal them,to solve their problem,for thier forgiveness,to keep them away from evil forces.
    Lord we love you.
    Bless us my family and my friends.
    In jesus name.

  5. I come with gratitude to the good Lord, in my good & my bad times im thankful, because I know that my God has never forsaken us as we walk by Faith & not sight! Thank you kind and merciful Lord for everything, my pain, my struggles my trails & tribulations my laughters my heartaches and pain, my joys and my family & friends, the birds & the bees, i thank you for every thing in Jesus name.I trust in you dear Lord & surrender everything to you ��

    1. Thats what i prayed for im like wow its our prayer to God

  6. Not exactly refused prayer, but enquired puzzlingly why I was praying, or needed go pray for them!

  7. Then just pray for me and don't tell me. The reason I say this is because if you tell me that you will pray for me, and don't know me, and you say you love me, you're not telling the truth because you really can't love me without KNOWING me first. And how do you really know what to pray for if I don't tell you? And I'm not going to reveal my true requests to you if we don't KNOW each other because I can't trust you with what is really going on in my life.

    1. Dearest Forrest, what you are saying right here is that the person praying doesn't know you, BUT GOD KNOWS YOU. HE KNOWS EVERYYHING ABOUT YOU! HE KNOWS EVERYTHING, RIGHT DOWN TO THE HAIRS ON YOUR HEAD!!
      Give your Life to Him. He is waiting for you to ask Him into your life.
      I'll pray for you right now after I got send.
      God Bless You.
      John 3:16

    2. If your God knows everyone and everything, why do you need to remind him/her what needs to be done?

    3. I am a Witness to Know that Prayers do Works. I try it n I still do Prays continues.

  8. I lean on HIS FAITHFULNESS, when I’m Faithful to pray and even when I Fail to Pray!! My life has so much more purpose and peace when I take time to pray.

  9. I love to pray, as it keeps me focused, and in touch with Father. I have been apart of and seen many miracles in my life, so know I am blessed. I pray always that His will be done foe others, for our country, one nation, under God, and to lead our President, but all in Hiswill, not my will.

  10. I'm an atheist (a friend posted this on Facebook, and I like learning about my friends beliefs even if I don't share them), and I would like to offer possibly a different perspective than some of you may be used to...

    Most of the time I have had someone tell me they'll pray for me, it's in response to a confrontation or argument. They aren't saying it out of love or concern, they're condescending, or trying to demonstrate their self perceived moral superiority. Basically, they disagree with me (or whomever), so you must be immoral or evil. It's equivalent to saying "eff you".

    Other super common instances where someone says they'll pray for me, they know I'm an atheist, and they use it as a conversation halter. They aren't expressing concern, or love, they're being condescending and trying to evoke a reaction.

    Of course, there are times when someone tells me they will pray for me and they genuinely mean it. I've had friends say it (even though they know my beliefs) and I know they mean well. In instances like those, I accept prayers because I know that even if I don't believe, they do, and they may need that comfort as much or more than I do.

    1. Why you don't believe you were created by Him...

    2. I see where you are coming from. Most of my prayers are never told to anyone. If I see someone suffering or hurting,and I don’t know them well, I will ask if I may pray for or with them for the Lord to help them. The Lord never forces anyone to follow Him, He asks.

    3. I respect atheists, agnostics, all people and their right to accept, reject my belief in Jesus. I have friends who are agnostics, and they have allowed me to share my faith with them and reject or accept Jesus we have continued to be friends.

    4. Well i dont think their intention is to be condescending,they are just being trying to reach you wuth the word, jesus rebuked the pharisses in that tim, it didnt mean Jesus was being condesending

  11. I know where that could happen. It's really too bad that it's said with that tone behind it.
    God bless you. You may not believe in him...BUT He believes in you.
    John 3:16

  12. A different perspective is - if someone has politely indicated their disinterest, why not honor that? I think when someone has made their "No, thank you" clear, it is rude to keep offering.

  13. I pray for others because I want others to experience the awesome God that I know. Because I know that God is amazing and he does a lot gives me a lot of Blessings everyday.

  14. I have no relationship with my daughter,and 2 sons,I pray everyday that the Lord would give them tender hearts,give them a spirit of forgiveness,interrupt their lives,until they fall on their knees, and asked what must they do to be saved.My oldest son claims to know more about the Bible,than most ordained ministers.

    1. I "pray" you will learn to enjoy your religion, but learn to leave it at home when you visit them... so you can enjoy their company again.

  15. I also ask for praying partners,as I pray for my extended family, some that have not spoken in years,I pray that every hurt is healed,that we all lay aside our petty differences.

  16. A person constantly saying they will pray for me makes me feel like I have so much wrong with me that that person must pray. I sound ungrateful, and know it's meant kindly and helpfully most of the time, but I simply don't like the praying person judging me and seeing me as such low-life I need help. A few people act like they are so godly and above everyone else. Just being honest.

  17. I get very uncomfortable when somebody prays or lays hands on me.
    Not that I'm not a believer...I believe very deeply in my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!
    I just feel that I am, I guess I want to say lowly? Maybe that's not it. There are so, so many that need the prayers so desperately & more than I.
    My Lord has greatly blessed me in my salvation, with his love & forgiveness undying. My prayers always, always start with thanking him for my many, many blessings every minute of everyday! I praise Him for all things always! As mentioned.

  18. Good day everyone I wanne greet everyone in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ I currently going through some difficulties I commit adultary I'm a mother of three beautiful kids I lost my job I fail myself but it's human I'm trying to get my self on track going through divorce has a big impact on my children but I keep praying God to show me the way and I believe he open my eyes I see alot...all I ask keep me and my children in prayer I also need to get me a job to support my kids

  19. Prayers are thoughts. They are so important; they acts of love!

  20. It makes me sad how many people I see in here who are not in relationship with their kids over religion.

    I am an atheist. My parents are Trump-voting, never changing, bible thumping evangelicals. Nevertheless, I talk to them almost weekly and see them once or twice a year. It's doable... we just avoid talking religion or politics. There's a lot of other things to talk about. Give it a try.

  21. You know you guys... It's nice to believe in such things as a God who heals people. But use your brains. If there is such a higher power and you really think he heals people, he would not pick and choose to those who he heals, especially when there are millions of people in need who are just as religious/righteous as the next person. I know the truth hurts, but in all honesty, you all know down deep that such a God doesn't exist who heals people. The truth is that sometimes people's health improve and that even sometimes miraculous recoveries occur. But a higher power has nothing to do with it. I'm sure you all know of someone who is deeply religious and who has some kind of bad illness or injury, but is not recovering. Why isn't God helping them? Why did he allow them to even get in such a condition in the 1st place? And of those that he supposedly cured, why did he allow them to suffer for so long? There are so many newborns for example, who have done nothing wrong in their short life who were born with incurable diseases who never get better and die. Where was God then? It just doesn't make any sense. Now saying all that, if you want to believe in that, then that's you choice. I believe in the possibilty of UFO's, but I don't talk in public or to anyone that they should believe in them, because it's just a possibility. Just like it is for a higher power to exist.


  23. Intercessory prayer as a concept is ridiculous. You can’t, at one time, believe that god knows and sees everything that will ever happen, which is laid out beforehand, and at the same time believe that he is going to change the plan as long as you pray hard or sincerely enough. Like all other aspects of religion and faith, it’s a convoluted, self contradicting, mess of outdated and obsolete hogwash.

  24. I have dead two times in my life. I saw The Son of God. He is real and so are His Angel's. Had my life safed more times then I can tell you on here. I seen the power of prayer more time than I can say. All I can say to others is.......... GOD IS REA

  25. I once asked a Pentecostal man to pray for me. He was on the treadmill at the gym and had quite a big belly. I asked him to pray for me to help me quit smoking. Without hesitating, he replied "Don't you know, you're defiling the temple of the Lord." I said, "You can defile the temple of the Lord with potato chips too", and walked away. Here was a man with his truck emblazoned with "Bernie Buck for Jesus!" Unseemly that one Christian should respond to a prayer request like that.

  26. If a person asks to be prayed for do it. If not, don't make them aware of your intention to violate their boundaries.

  27. One of my daughter and younger son are going through some challenges. I pray for them and talk to them about laying their worries at God's feet that He is full of possibilities, they listen and look at me like am crazy.l ask for prayers for them to know God and prayers for my 3 other children and grandsons.

  28. i pray every day to get my boyfriend with me, his name is radjeev and living in Suriname.
    we have a relationship 2 years, everything was finally ready to come to me, to the Nederlands, and now is coronavirus, there no fly's anymore.
    i miss him so much.
    could you please pray for us. and his little girl. to come to me. God bless you all

  29. I am struggling with faith. When I was a little girl my mom and dad would talk to us about God and Jesus all the time. I knew he died on the cross and he loved us. And all. I never had a religious
    religion, I do believe He has helped me alot in my life. I have 7 children 2 older with my first relationship and that didn't last we were together for 8 years but, it just didn't work out. So I became a single mother of two for 10 years. As their father left and, I moved on. After 10 years I felt that was enough time to find someone new who could be my lifetime partner. I did and he ended up being abusive, and a drug addict and I was in a domestic violence relationship for years I had 3 lil girls with him, and he almost killed me. I finally left him after years of praying, for change and trying to keep a family together despite of everything. Meanwhile praying and hoping I still didn't get answers i just left. I moved into another relationship. Again prayed about it and believed he would answer my prayers. And after meeting him I thought my prayers were answered.. At first it was nice, he was amazing, he loved my girls like his own, but, I never knew he had a little secret of his own. He too was an addict he didn't tell me until after we were together for 2 years, I told him he needs to stop. I will help him get help he said he would and I got pregnant with our 5 year old now. And he got caught with drugs and went to jail. I still prayed and prayed for answers and I didn't get them. Now I have a little 8 mo. Old and he is lost to us and to the world he doesn't care about nothing but himself and getting his next bag. I guess it seems as if god can't not hear me.. and prayer is not working. He got out one year later.he promised to change he has never been abusive to me. Although I didn't live the life of the police comming to our house all the time for a domestic violence call. It was a differenttype of abuse it was now an emotional abuse.He didn't change and he has falling deeper into these drugs. He saids he doesnt have a problem but he clearly does. He lies he steals, and he believes his own stories. I have prayed and prayed, and continue to pray but, I just think he's not listening to me. Or I am just not important enough to him like they say I just am beginning to loose my faith. And I need help! And prayers please.

  30. I am struggling with faith. When I was a little girl my mom and dad would talk to us about God and Jesus all the time. I knew he died on the cross and he loved us. And all. I never had a religious
    religion, I do believe He has helped me alot in my life. I have 7 children 2 older with my first relationship and that didn't last we were together for 8 years but, it just didn't work out. So I became a single mother of two for 10 years. As their father left and, I moved on. After 10 years I felt that was enough time to find someone new who could be my lifetime partner. I did and he ended up being abusive, and a drug addict and I was in a domestic violence relationship for years I had 3 lil girls with him, and he almost killed me. I finally left him after years of praying, for change and trying to keep a family together despite of everything. Meanwhile praying and hoping I still didn't get answers i just left. I moved into another relationship. Again prayed about it and believed he would answer my prayers. And after meeting him I thought my prayers were answered.. At first it was nice, he was amazing, he loved my girls like his own, but, I never knew he had a little secret of his own. He too was an addict he didn't tell me until after we were together for 2 years, I told him he needs to stop. I will help him get help he said he would and I got pregnant with our 5 year old now. And he got caught with drugs and went to jail. I still prayed and prayed for answers and I didn't get them. Now I have a little 8 mo. Old and he is lost to us and to the world he doesn't care about nothing but himself and getting his next bag. I guess it seems as if god can't not hear me.. and prayer is not working. He got out one year later.he promised to change he has never been abusive to me. Although I didn't live the life of the police comming to our house all the time for a domestic violence call. It was a differenttype of abuse it was now an emotional abuse.He didn't change and he has falling deeper into these drugs. He saids he doesnt have a problem but he clearly does. He lies he steals, and he believes his own stories. I have prayed and prayed, and continue to pray but, I just think he's not listening to me. Or I am just not important enough to him like they say I just am beginning to loose my faith. And I need help! And prayers please.


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