Tuesday, March 31, 2020

God Will Carry You Through This

Remember to not get wrapped up in all the news and negativity. Keep focused on Jesus for protection, and provision. 

Here is a prayer for God to carry you through this. 

Dear Lord,
I am not sure how long this is going to last. I wish it would end tomorrow but I trust you Lord. I ask during this time You would give me peace, not as the world gives, but what only comes from You. I pray for those that are suffering worse than I am. Be with them, heal them, and protect them. Thank You that You are in control. Amen

Right now it is hard to see the light at the end of tunnel. It seems like these days drag on and on. The stress and fear does not end, we are not sure when everything is going to be OK.

Trust God that this will be over soon. It may be awhile, but rest assured that God will not allow this suffering to go on forever. In the meantime we need to keep our eyes focused on God.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13 

Comment Below πŸ‘‡
Is you faith strong during this time or do you struggle?


  1. I'm having so much anxiety over this virus. What about all the people that died and are dying? I'm so scared.

  2. I worry about my family,my wife and my wife's family and friends and our great grsndchildren but only God Almighty and his son Jesus Christ knows when it will all end. Praise be to God Almighty and his son Jesus Christ. Amen.

  3. Our Father said who be leaves in ME will not perish

  4. With God all things are possible, including serviding this corvid-19 virus.But remember that he will not put more on us than we can bare,but thing is,when your time is up its up, and with that being said I do hope we all will survive this. But you know God is trying to get our attention to let us know that HE is still the Cheif in charge in case somebody has forgotten that, and he's showing all of us he is Master, He giveth and He can taketh away. Not trying to scare anybody, I'm just saying. Stop look listen,he ain't dead, very much alive. Have a blessed day y'allπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Š

  5. We all need to pray more and change our earthly ways. This place call earth is just our temporary home. Until God takes us home in heaven. Don't lose faith and trust in our Father our Savour Jesus Christ son of God...God Bless.πŸ™πŸ™

  6. I worry & DO get scared,but i continue to pray,know & Believing that God WILL Deliver us.

  7. How can I share this, Unknown April 1st at 2:31. Thank you
