From The Bottom of My Heart, Thank You God

I get caught up in my daily life. I wake up, think of things that I need to get done for the day. Worry about my problems, how am I going to pay this bill, stress about the argument I am having with my dad. My day just seems to jump to lightspeed and never stop. I never take time to slow down and thank God for everything He has done for me. 

If you strip away all of life and it's little problems, life really comes down to this, and it is the only thing that should matter in our lives. God loves you, sent His Son so we are right with Him, healing us spiritually and at times physically, and He will never leave you. 

Kim taught me a little trick. When I wake up, stop worrying about everything. Start my day by thanking God for something... anything. There is so much we have to be thankful for. 

So, stop your busy day right now. Make a comment on something you are thankful for from God... meditate on that for a moment, take some deep breaths, then go about your day. I bet you will have a new peace from God for the rest of the day. 


  1. Lord God.
    Thank you for all the things you blessed us,
    Thank you for the life.
    Thank you for the love.
    Thank you for smart wisdom.
    Thank you for protecting us.
    We love you.
    God bless us.
    In Jesus name

  2. To All housewives offer up your day of cleaning, caring for your children. My mother-in-law told me about this idea. Missing her today. Saw my sister-in-law yesterday made me start thinking of her.

  3. I dont believe you. Who said God will never give you more than you can handle? Man or God? My guess would be man. Dont judge me for not knowing, its hard to figure out the bible.Im living proof that God forgets some of us and cant or wont help some of us.


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