Are You Uncomfortable To Share Jesus With Others?

I am not GOD and I do not know on what level of accountability we are going to be held, but I do know what it says in the Bible. We are told to GO and make disciples.

To be honest this really should come naturally. Once anyone has had an encounter with Jesus Christ, it is hard not to tell others what amazing things He has done in your life. If you are not there yet, I would encourage you to move into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Once you start to seek Him, He will meet you there and amazing things will start to take place in your life.

In sharing Jesus with others remember that everyone has their own style. For a long time I used to feel bad that I did not have a BOLD faith where I could just walk up to a stranger and preach fire and brimstone.

We have a person in our church plant that has this gift, and I really admire him for it. But that is not me, I have come to learn that I have other gifts and other ways of reaching people for Christ.

Jesus knows this, and He knows you. He will use you and your personality for His glory. Jesus needs all types, the bold and the shy. The important thing is that you are making a effort and allowing Jesus' love to shine through you.


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