Do People See Jesus In You?

YOU may be the only time a stranger, friend, co-worker, or family member experiences God. You may only have one chance to show these people who Jesus really is. Once you became a Christian, like it or not you now have a label that goes with you wherever you go. People may never pick up the Bible, go to church, or attend a religious gathering, but they will come in contact with you. 

My question is; what are you going to do with that encounter? 
Now I am not saying that
we have to be perfect, because no-one is perfect except Jesus. But what I am saying is that I know we can do better..... we must do better.

Here is a true example of this. 
A young boy he was abused by a priest. That Priest represented God and His character. To this guy, God was a mean god who allowed him to be sexually abused. He did not have love for God, only hate. He lived to destroy God, his followers, and taint what we stand for.

I was listening to this guy who had been abused by the priest and I realized what he needed was for someone who represented Jesus to say they were sorry on behalf of Jesus. Explain to him that we are imperfect and while we try very hard to represent the Bible and Jesus Christ, we fall very short. The guy who was abused was very touched and you could see that he began to open his heart to this "Jesus thing." We need to have the same attitude, let go of your pride and forget who is right and who is wrong, this is all about Jesus. 

I am sorry...
To all of those that I have come in contact with and I have fallen short of being a Christian, I am sorry. While I try very hard to be a Christian and live for this Jesus person I do fall short. While He is patient, I am not. While He is loving, at times I am not. I get mad, yell and scream. While Jesus is truly forgiving, at times I an not. I hold a grudge and do things for the wrong reasons, Jesus does not.

So to all those that I have come in contact with and have gone away with a twisted view of who Jesus really is, please forgive me. If you want to know who Jesus is, look to the Bible, and open your heart and ask Jesus to show up and reveal Himself to you. I know that if you are serious, He will and it will feel amazing!
